Saturday, February 12, 2011

Bai Tian Gong


In here, is a set of Collection of mine of Pictures on Taoists & Chinese of Various Countries preparing & performing the Honouring of Yu Huang Da Tian Zun (玉皇大天尊) aka Jade Emperor of Heaven, during the 8th Night of Lunar 1 Month (農曆正月初八晚).

              In Asia Countries, mostly the Taoists & Chinese will prepare Luxury & Grand Offerings for the Honouring, by doing so, the Taoists & Chinese hope that Tian Gong (天公) will provide them with the necessary Blessings for the Year and also, to request for the World to have Peace & Harmony (國泰民安).

In China, not only the Hokkien Clan will performing the Honouring, but the Teochew & Hakka Clans (潮州及客家籍貫) will also pay their respect to Tian Gong too.

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